Thursday, July 20, 2006

How many blogs before there are too many?

I've only been blogging for a short time but, I am starting to wonder if the world is slowly becoming blogged out. I guess the big question I have is how many is too many. It would seem to me that all the blogs out there dilute the readership and most of the readership comes from fellow bloggers. Who has time to read all these blogs? I know I don't. I started my blog merely to provide a clearinghouse for keeping friends and family up to date with my travels. My mom inevitably asks me regularly "Where are you again?" Once I caught the blogging bug, however, and a few folks came across the site, I started to expand the blog with some thoughts and observations for my "audience." Only to discover that I really don't have one. I am coming to the conclusion that the only people who are repeat visitors are other bloggers from traffic generators who don't stay long enough to even read it. I myself have been guilty of that too, regretfully. Anyway, I was just wondering how many blogs does it take dilute the potential readership to the point where no one actually reads anything, and are we there yet?


Blogger Unknown said...

I don't know, but I love to read random blogs whenever I am bored.
Unfortunately when searching for a literate, interesting or witty blog, I tend to find far too many advertisement-type blogs, or blogs that are so poorly written that I need some kind of deciphering code to figure it out. Somedays it seems like there are far too few blogs. Well, too few of the good ones, anyway.

11:23 PM  
Blogger IFly said...

I definitely agree there are too few blogs of quality, but even the poor ones dilute the amount of time people can spend reading them. I have found myself that I could spend the better part of the day panning for a single nugget of a blog that I don't already frequent. But then again, the few that I visit regularly can often become overwhelming if everyone decides to get prolific at once. I don't know if there is an answer per se, but just was throwing out the question to ponder I guess.

11:59 AM  

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