Thursday, September 07, 2006

Fjord Flying

A lot of the flying we did this trip involved investigating a glacier's terminus for seal haulouts. This meant a lot of flying in fjords, and it was some of the most exhilarating flying I've done so far. The hills on either side shot up a couple of thousand feet in many places, and we were flying down low under the overcast deck. It made for some beautiful contrasts. The weather over the glaciers themselves was often clear and sunny while the approaches through the fjords were cloudy and foggy.

The sun beaming on the ice made them glow like a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. It was stunning.

Most of the time I was in Alaska however, the days were pretty grey. From what I've been told the best time to visit is May/June. The rainy season starts in late July through August.
Here's a view of what we saw much of the time when we flew out to see if the weather was suitable for survey.


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