Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Certain death in this part of Tampa??

A comment on the Sunrise post over on Tim's Tampa Taxi Shots blog kind of rubbed me the wrong way. The writer said a few seconds outside the car was certain death in this part of Tampa(not specified, but near downtown, Tampa Heights perhaps?) If he was referring to traffic, I stand corrected as traffic in some areas is pretty scary, but if he was referring to crime, I think it was a gross exaggeration spoken out of ignorance. Watch the news and much, if not most, of the violent crime is taking place these days in the suburbs. The gang activity is focused in Town and Country and out in West Hillsborough county. Some of the inner city neighborhoods, are not necessarily places I would casually stroll through after dark, but to fear stopping long enough to snap a few photos, my fiance and I do that all the time. I guess I would say that to venture into some of the housing projects at night would be a little uncomfortable, but on the streets around them, I've never seen a reason to be fearful. I was born in Tampa, and lived here off and on for much of my life. Most of the now "in" neighborhoods were scary places not that long ago. But times they are a changin'.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take it from a cab driver that on the main roads you are safe. Now if you were down in some known drug hole on the east side, you may have trouble. The only trouble you will have north of downtown would be He-She prostitutes. They are nothing to worry about. I take photos at night all the time.

2:04 PM  

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