Monday, June 26, 2006

Oh Canada!

Well I am up here in Toronto, the city with the world's longest street(1896km, Yonge St). I am sure it has many more claims to fame but I thought that was a unique and interesting fact. It was a nice weekend home, but much too short.

Toronto is the former home of DeHavilland, manufacturer of the Twin Otter. DeHavilland was acquired by Bombardier etc...anyway, I am making my yearly pilgrimage to simulator training. Fun stuff, the last time I was here the instructor literally turned the heat on to make it that much more interesting while running through various emergency procedures. What a guy!

The flight up was mostly uneventful other than the delay due to us not having a flight attendant. Lots of rain in DC though, glad I was just a passenger today, though travelling on the airlines is never as fun as flying myself, it's almost always much easier to keep a schedule.

I snapped this photo out the window over Pennsylvania, it looked a lot like popcorn or maybe I was just hungry.


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