Sunday, July 08, 2007

Alexia Pipplin reincarnated

A feisty little old lady passed away, and upon arriving at the Pearly Gates was met by St. Peter. Thumbing nervously through his book, he announced that she wasn't scheduled to arrive for a couple of years. To make up for the mistake, he told her that she could be reincarnated as anyone she chose to live out her remaining days she was owed. Without a moment's hesitation she blurted out Alexia Pipplin. St. Peter looked a bit stunned as he was at a loss since he expected her to choose someone familiar. He rifled through his files and still came up with nothing. He asked the little old lady just who was this Alexia Pipplin, as he did not have anyone by that name on record. A bit embarassed she slowly produced a tattered old news article. A quick glance brought a smirk of understanding to St. Peter's face. It seems the article was about the Alyeska Pipeline and indicated how it was laid by several thousand people over two years time. Guess maybe her eyes were the only thing not working so well.

The pipeline snakes it's way 800 miles across Alaska

Hope this thing doesn't leak

One of the transitions the pipeline makes going from underground to elevated. A nice stop if you're ever in Fairbanks.

The long days are awesome. I find myself rarely getting sleepy until after midnight, and wide awake most days by4:30am


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